Well we finally did it. The lodge and star had our first pasty dinner together. As the lodge we needed more worker and the star was looking for a fundraiser. I can only say from my point of view from being in the kitchen, it ran so much smoother this time. I think this is the start of a great thing. One thing that I noticed right from the get go was showing up to build pasties Friday and the hall was already set up for the dinner, something that we would normally have to do once the pasties were made. It wasn't one of our biggest turn outs but we continue to grow with each dinner.
We built over 334 pasties due to Yankee Doodle Days this weekend and we were basically out of frozen pasties. A huge thanks to Mike, Steve, Bob and Kevin as well as all of the Star members that came out to work the dinner. The day wouldn't have been a success with out you.
Brother Kevin keeps working out products that seem to have started to streamline our process. We will be dark, or otherwise won't be having dinners for the next two months, but if you would like frozen pasties let someone know and we can get you some. $10 a box and that is for two 1 lbs pasties.
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