Saturday, December 21, 2013

Installation 2014

December 11th 2013 the Grand Ledge Lodge 179 held our installation for 2014.  We had a very successful year in the lodge this past year and we are looking to keep up the steam as we go into 2014.  We have a great line up this year of officers.

A big thanks to my Grand Officers that installed us this year.  Thank you Gill, Ron, Vaugn and Kim.

Officers for 2014

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Masonic Christmas Party

December 1st we held our Christmas party at the lodge.  Friends, family, neighbors and all our brothers and sisters in the lodge were invited.  This year we had a very nice turn out.  Overall we had more than 70 people there.

Mrs. Claus reading to the kids.

Before Santa came down Mrs. Claus read a story to the children and then they sang a few Christmas songs.  Then came time for the big guy to come in.  

Santa is for all kids, young and old. 

We had over 20 children this year.  After the presents we had a piƱata that they all loved taking turns trying to get the candy out of.  I only wish that I had got a picture of that.

Thanks Sherri

So all in all we had a very good turn-out for the party.  Kathy and I spoke a couple weeks ago and she hadn't received any RSVP's for the party and didn't know if we would continue it if it was only going to be a couple of us there.   Thank you for everyone that showed up.  I know the kids loved it.

On a last note, we didn't have a Santa due to brother Bill not feeling up to it.  I was asked to fill in and I have to say I had my reservations about doing it.  But after it was all said and done it was great to see the smiles and excitement on the little ones faces.  A big thanks to Kathy for putting it all together and making this a success.

Thanksgiving Community Dinner

Hall area set up for the meal.

For the past five years the lodge has been the location for the community Thanksgiving Day meal.  This year they served around 700 meals at no cost to anyone that wanted or needed a meal.  People could just show up and have a place to have a nice meal.  We have everyone from college kids to older people that have their families far away and just wanted to be able to have a thanksgiving meal without needing to cook a large dinner for only a couple people.

The dinner is put on in Grand Ledge by an army of volunteers.  Numerous churches are involved in the effort.  Many cook the turkeys in their church kitchens and then transport them down to the lodge for the serving.  This year there were 32 turkeys cooked and prepared for the meal.  

I can't begin to thank all of those that helped with the dinner.  Mike and Sherri were there all day.  It is a great honor that we get to use our hall to support such an event in our community.  I wish I could list everyone that was a supporter of the dinner but at this time I don't have the information on that.  We were presented with a certificate of appreciation that I will show in lodge this coming Wednesday.

Thanks again!