This past Wednesday night we took time to honor our Past Masters of the lodge and to award all of the legacy awards for those that have been in the lodge for more than 25 years. We had about 34 people there at the dinner and even a couple of visitors.
PM Bob receiving an award and PM Ron sitting.
Brother Wayne
Brother Scottie
Brother Bob
We awarded the Mason of the Year to Bob Lindsay this year. I can't think of a more deserving brother to get this award. Bob puts in a lot of work to keep our lodge operating thru out the year. If you see him give him a much needed congratulation. In the pictures below are all of the past masters that were at the dinner. If you notice to the left of them there is a picture. We have taken the top row of our Past Masters at the lodge and put them on one picture to make room for future Past Masters.
Past Masters
Past Masters with Awardees, Brothers Bob and Wayne