Yankee Doodle Days in Grand Ledge MI
The Masons here in Grand Ledge have been asked over the last couple of years to assist in the Yankee Doodle Days here in town to help run the beer tent and provide food and support. We had a very successful year this summer. We had a couple candidates come out of it along with some laughs and camaraderie between the brothers.
Blood Drive at the Lodge.
This year we started to assist the Red Cross by holding a blood drive in the lodge basement along with the Eastern Star. It was a slow event and we didn't get the turnout that we had hoped but it may be the start of something good. I had been told in the past that it was held here for years. I've attached some pictures that I took during the set up.
Dinners out at local resturants
Below is a scholarship that we gave out this year. Attached is the article that was in the local paper.
The Grand Ledge Masonic # 179 awarded a financial contribution for the amount of $500 to Bryanna Leach, a sophomore at Grand Ledge High School, towards her costs of attending the Washington Journalism and Media Conference this summer being held at the George Mason University in Washington DC. Bryanna was nominated as a National Youth Correspondent to attend this conference because of her academic record and sincere interest in journalism and media.
In her letter to the Grand Ledge Masonic Lodge she indicated that she is extremely excited about this once is a lifetime opportunity and student leadership experience and traveling to Washington DC. She will be recognized as one of the most promising young leaders in journalism and media and will join other scholars from across the country to share in this unique experience where she will attend seminars and speeches by industry leaders and be challenged to work with her peers through simulations and group discussions. Bryanna indicated that while she will also earn one college credit, she will develop her leadership skills and gain a greater insight into the issues surrounding the future of journalism and what she can do now to be a part of this exciting field
The $500 check was given to Bryanna Leach at the Grand Ledge Masonic Lodge #179 by Worshipful Master Charles Munson and Secretary Robert Lindsay.