Nov 6 Regular meeting 6:30 Supper and 7:30 meeting. Deer Camp/ Hunters supper
Nov 9 Lodge Clean-up, prep walls Nov 8th
Nov 13 EA Degree, possible 2 new brothers
Nov 20 Honors Night/ Past Masters Night - $10 per person, meal at 6:30pm, please RSVP if you plan on coming to have enough meals.
Nov 22 Pasty Dinner 5-7pm, Pasty build morning of the dinner, 50/50 drawing at the dinner
Nov 30 Masonic get together with other lodges in the area - location coming soon
Greetings Brothers,
Where did the year go? For our supper prior to the meeting we will be having a hunter themed meal. There are a few brothers that are bringing in some wild game dishes and chili. Some brothers plan on wearing there hunting cloths or dressing like they or heading to the great white north.
We are into November and its time for the elections for next year already. We have a few things that we need to close out for the year. Like I said before we will electing the new officers at our regular meeting. We need to wrap up the sales on the 50/50 tickets. I think we will fall short of our goal but I think we have paved the way and learned from it. I have already seen things that I would change to make it better. So if you have tickets out there that you haven't sold please hit up the last few people you have and then we need to get those turned back into Bob so that he can close out the raffle and get it ready for the drawing. Thanks to all of you that took time to sell or purchase a ticket or two.
We will be having a visitor from Grand Lodge at the regular meeting. Worthy Brother Craig Mason will be coming to talk to us about the Charitable Foundation and School programs. If this is something you would like to hear about please stop on down and join us. It will be nice to see how we are impacting our local, state and federal charities.
As you can see in the calendar we are have an Honors/ Past Masters night. If you don't have anything going that night I know the Past Masters would love to see you there. Its a great night to just spend some time with the PM that came before and sit around and hear some of their stories. Some of the issues that they dealt with when they sat in the East and how they over came it. Just good ol' history of Our lodge. We also will be giving out the awards and we always honor the widows of our brothers that have went to that lodge not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
I have started a blog as a way to let people know what is going on with the lodge and to help promote the lodge/hall. The link to it is . If any of you have pictures of some of the events that we do please feel free to send them to me so I can add them when I make my posts. I got the idea for another lodge that did a blog to keep the brothers up to date that didn't use Facebook. This allows others that may not be masons to see how active our lodge is and if they may be thinking of renting the hall to see the possibilities.
Lastly, we are planning on having a maintenance day at the lodge on the 9th. We will be concentrating on the bathrooms and painting them. We will be having a prep day on Friday the 8th to get the walls ready for paint on Saturday, which will speed things up. If you can spare some time please come give us a hand. I don't need your whole day, just some hours. Many hands make light work, we will talk more about it in lodge at the regular. Maybe have some breakfast before we kick off the work.
Take care brothers and we will see you soon.
WM Charles Munson