Saturday, November 23, 2013

Past Masters / Honors Night

This past Wednesday night we took time to honor our Past Masters of the lodge and to award all of the legacy awards for those that have been in the lodge for more than 25 years.  We had about 34 people there at the dinner and even a couple of visitors.
PM Bob receiving an award and PM Ron sitting.
Brother Wayne

Brother Scottie

It was great to see all of the Past Masters that turned out for the event.  We had a 50 year spread of Past Masters going all the way back to 1961.  Brother Wayne was there to get his award and looked better than ever.
Brother Bob

We awarded the Mason of the Year to Bob Lindsay this year.  I can't think of a more deserving brother to get this award.  Bob puts in a lot of work to keep our lodge operating thru out the year.  If you see him give him a much needed congratulation.  In the pictures below are all of the past masters that were at the dinner.  If you notice to the left of them there is a picture.  We have taken the top row of our Past Masters at the lodge and put them on one picture to make room for future Past Masters.

 Past Masters

Past Masters with Awardees, Brothers Bob and Wayne

A big thanks to my wife Gayla for the dinner she made and served during the night.  There was a lot of hard work that went into it and I think we pulled it off in the end.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Brothers

Three new Brothers

On Wednesday we had the the privilege to bring in three new Brothers to the lodge.  Todd came in last month but he showed up and we put him to work at the Junior Deacon for the night.  A big thanks to him, we couldn't have did it without him.  Seth and Kevin were the newest brothers to come in.  In the picture with us are Ryan, Mike and Ramone.  We are all looking forward to helping them continue on their masonic journey.

We will be having our Past Masters and Honors night this coming Wednesday.  Everyone is welcome to attend and encouraged.  We would love to see as many people there to show their respects for all the masters that have contributed to the growth and care of the lodge.  

Also dont forget our Pasty Dinner this Friday the 22nd.  We will be holding our 50/50 raffle during the dinner.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lodge Spruce up

Paint that was damaged due to water problems.

The lodge held a day to spruce up the lodge and two of the areas that we decided to concentrated on was the hallways and bathrooms.  Recent rain problems and draining issues had allowed water to seep through the walls and flake the paint in several areas.  As you can see in the pictures above the paint that had been damaged.  This is of course after we had scraped the walls to prepare to paint them.

Our resident expert Ryan was on hand to help us tackle the job.  Anyone can paint but having the proper tools of the trade and small tricks of the trade made the work much easier.  Ryan was so fast at taping the walls and floors it amazed us.

Some of the pictures of the painting in progress.

I was telling Bob when we were painting that after we had been painting that I really couldnt see the difference in the walls.  It took the pictures to show me the difference.  A big thanks to the Bob, Ryan, Ramone and Gill for all the hard work.  Thanks again.

Hunters Night at the Lodge

Hanging out around the campfire.

Wednesday we had our regular meeting and the theme was hunters night due to the upcoming deer season.  Most of the brothers dressed up in their hunting garb.  We had a makeshift campfire, fully decked out with burning sterno cans.  We do what we can.

Worthy Brother Craig Mason from Grand Lodge was invited to talk about the Masonic Charity Foundations and other charity events that the Masons sponsor.  By the end of the night our lodge voted on sponsoring a sign that will be placed at next years golf outing.  It was great to hear how involved the Masons are with children's programs.  In March we will be sponsoring a bowling event at the Royal Scot Bowling lanes here in Lansing.  

After all the business was taken care of we elected the upcoming officers for 2014.  I was again elected to be the Worshipful Master again for one more year.  We have some great men that will be following me in the next couple years.  Our goal is to set them up with some of their programs that they want to see the lodge do when they get in office.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013


We did some traveling last week.  Five of us brothers, Gill, Kim, Ryan, Mike and myself went over to Grand Rapids on Wednesday for our new district meeting.  The state has changed up the districts and we landed in the "Lucky" 13 which has 14 lodges in it.

My congratulations go out to Worthy Brother Gill for being elected as the new BGP for the district.  I know you will do us proud.

After the meeting we received a outstanding tour of the lodge.  If you ever get the chance to travel to this lodge you will not be let down.